Work Package 3: Standardisation of up- and downscaling techniques of data from field to catchment.


  • Identification and evaluation of commonly applied observation techniques in soil erosion research (plots/drones/satellites) to detect important environmental indicators of soil erosion processes.
  • Standardising methods to translate spatially well-resolved environmental information on field-scale to regional scale to be used at catchment or national level. Modification of local data as input for modelling on larger scales.
  • Compiling a catalogue of necessary data for different spatial (and temporal scales) and modelling designs to catch, compute and interpret several erosion, transport and sedimentation processes.

Description of work

The models for erosion estimation are elaborated with data collected at filed scale. The upscaling at larger scale (catchment to national) level needs the calibration of all the model inputs, including the soil erosion measurements. The upscaling entails several challenges: the evaluation of the temporal and spatial dimensions, the generalization of input parameters, the measurements/evaluation of the sedimentation process, the possible lacking of input parameters at larger scales (e.g. on soil management), among others.

The general approach will be to stocktake the data and experience available among project partners and integrate it with bibliographic review. The different experiences will be compared, evaluated, and summarized. The evaluation will be performed also on the base of the measured data collected among partners.